

单词 Banker's draft
释义 銀行匯票
A written instrument in the form of a cheque drawn by a bank upon itself or upon another bank. When both the drawer and drawee are the same legal person, the holder may treat the instrument, at his option, either as a bill of exchange or as a promissory note: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 5(2). Moreover, a banker’s draft is often used as an alternative to cash, however it should not be treated as equivalent to cash, for it may be dishonoured when presented for payment (eg fraud, reported lost). Also known as ‘banker draft’, ‘bank draft’, ‘bank cheque’. See also Cheque.
由銀行向本身或另一銀行以支票方式發出的書面票據。凡出票人和受票人屬同一法人,則持有人可選擇將該票據視為匯票或承付票:《匯票條例》(第19章)第5(2)條。此外,銀行匯票經常被用作現金的替代品,但卻不能當作和現金相等,因為當出示銀行匯票承兌時可能不能兌現(例如欺詐,報失)。另稱‘banker draft’, ‘bank draft’, ‘bank cheque’(「銀行支票」)。另見 Cheque。




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