

单词 Banking business
释义 銀行業務
1. The accepting money from and collecting cheques for their customers, and placing them to their credit; honouring cheques or orders drawn on them by their customers when presented for payment and debiting their customers accordingly; and keeping of current accounts in their books in which the credits and debits are recorded: United Dominions Trust Ltd v Kirkwood [1966] 2 QB 431, 1 All ER 968 (CA). 2. A business of receiving from the general public money on current, deposit, savings or other similar account repayable on demand or within less than a specified period or with a period of call or notice of less than that period; paying or collecting cheques drawn by or paid by customers: Banking Ordinance (Cap 155) s 2. In Hong Kong, no banking business shall be carried on except by a company which holds a valid banking licence under the Banking Ordinance: Banking Ordinance (Cap 155) s 11. See also Bank; Banker; Banking service.
1. 經營銀行業務。現代銀行業務的特色是:接受客戶交來存款或代客戶收取支票,並在客戶戶口的貸方入帳;在其客戶簽發本身銀行的支票或票據,並提交銀行以提取款項時,予以兌現及之後在客戶戶口的借方相應入帳;在他們的銀行帳簿保持記錄貸方和借方的來往帳戶:United Dominions Trust Ltd v Kirkwood [1966] 2 QB 431, 1 All ER 968(英國上訴法院)。  2. 以下兩種銀行業務的其中一種或兩種:以來往,存款,儲蓄或其他相類的帳戶從公眾人士收取款項,而該等款項須按要求隨時付還,或須在一段短於指明的期間內付還,或須按短於該期間的短期通知期間或通知期間付還;支付或收取客戶發出或存入的支票:《銀行條例》(第155章)第2條。除根據《銀行條例》持有有效銀行牌照的公司外,任何人不得在香港經營銀行業務:《銀行條例》(第155章)第11條。另見 Bank; Banker; Banking service。




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