

单词 Undue hardship
释义 過度的困苦
Hardship out of proportion to the degree of fault involved: Pittalis v Sherefettin [1986] QB 868, 2 All ER 227 (CA). It is a defence to a decree for specific performance of a contract. The hardship must amount to an injustice inflicted upon the defendant by holding him or her to the bargain. Specific performance may be refused where the cost of performance to the defendant is wholly out of proportion to the benefit which performance will confer on the plaintiff: Tito v Waddell (No 2) [1977] Ch 106. See also Equity; Specific performance.
就過失涉及的程度而言,過分的困苦:Pittalis v Sherefettin [1986] QB 868, 2 All ER 227(英國上訴法院)。這是強制履行某合約的判令的免責辯護。透過使被告人履行該買賣,該困苦必須構成他/她陷入不公正的情況。凡該被告人承擔履行的費用,就履行所賦予原告人的利益而言,是完全不成比例,則強制履行令可被拒絕:Tito v Waddell (No 2) [1977] Ch 106。另見 Equity; Specific performance。




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