

单词 Invitee
释义 被邀請者
A person being formerly recognised by the common law, who enters the premises in the interest of the occupier. The term ‘visitor’ embraces those persons who are invitees or licensees at common law: Occupiers’ Liability Ordinance (Cap 314) s 2; Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.122]. See also Licensee; Occupier’s liability; Trespasser.
Tort - In occupier’s liability, a person who is on premises at the invitation of the occupier. The law relating to occupier’s liability is now part of the general law of negligence, the occupier has a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is invited by the occupier to be there: Poon Boon Che v Chan Kam Fook [1987] 1 HKC 107 (CA); Occupiers’ Liabilities Ordinance (Cap 314) s 3. An occupier owes a duty of care to all legitimate users, or invitees to the premises who had access to the common parts: Kwong Chiu v Sunshine Heights Ltd & Ors [2001] HKEC 1562. The common law no longer recognise. An occupier has a duty to an invitee to use reasonable care to prevent the invitee coming to harm from an unusual danger of which the occupier knows, or ought to know, and of which the invitee does not: A Prosser & Son Ltd v Levy [1955] 3 All ER 577 (CA). See also Occupier’s liability.
指普通法以前承認的,為佔用人利益進入處所之人士,。在普通法,「訪客」一詞包含被邀請者或獲特許的人:《佔用人法律責任條例》(第314章)第2條;Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第25冊,侵權,第[380.122]段。另見 Licensee; Occupier’s liability; Trespasser。
侵權法 - 就佔用人法律責任,指因佔用人的邀請而在處所內的人。佔用人法律責任的有關法律現在已成為一般疏忽侵權法律的一部份,佔用人有責任因應該個案的所有情況,合理地確保被他邀請到其處所的訪客,在為被要請使用該處所的目的使用該處所時合理地安全:Poon Boon Che v Chan Kam Fook [1987] 1 HKC 107(上訴法院);《佔用人法律責任條例》(第314章)第3條。佔用人就合法的使用者,或到該處所並可進入公用部分的被邀請者,承擔一般謹慎責任:Kwong Chiu v Sunshine Heights Ltd & Ors [2001] HKEC 1562。普通法不再承認佔用人對被邀請者有責任。佔用人有謹慎責任防止被邀請者遭受,佔用人知道或應該知道,而被邀請者卻不知道的傷害:A Prosser & Son Ltd v Levy [1955] 3 All ER 577(英國上訴法院)。另見 Occupier’s liability。n.




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