

单词 Undivided share
释义 不分割份數
A term used to describe the interest of a tenant in common, especially of land. An undivided share is not physically distinct, as unity of possession always exists between tenants in common. The share may be an equal or unequal portion of the whole: for example, two tenants in common may own in equal shares, or one as to two-thirds and the other as to one-third. An undivided share may be dealt with as its owner desires, and may be devised by will. In Hong Kong, land held in a multi-storey building is held by the tenants in common in undivided shares in proportions which are reflected in the shareholding as provided for in a deed of mutual covenant: Building Management Ordinance (Cap 344). See also Joint tenancy; Moiety; Tenancy in common; Unity of possession.
用以描述分權共有人的權益(尤其是有關土地)的用語。不分割份數實質上不是各自獨立的,因為分權共有人之間一直存在共有管有。該份數可以是整體中均等或不均等的一部分:舉例說,兩名分權共有人可擁有均等的份數,或一人持有三份之二而另一人則持有三份之一。不分割份數可根據擁有人的意願處置,及可藉遺囑作出饋贈。在香港,多層建築物由分權共有人按公契所載的份數持有情況而以不分割份數持有:《建築物管理條例》(第344章)。另見 Joint tenancy; Moiety; Tenancy in common; Unity of possession。




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