

单词 Belligerent occupation
释义 交戰國佔領
The occupation of territory by military forces, unaccompanied by any transfer of sovereignty. Belligerent occupation occurs only where military forces have established a temporary but organised government, control a substantial sector of the country invaded, maintain an armed service conducting itself according to accepted rules of warfare, and conduct the affairs of the country in an orderly fashion. It is distinguished from invasion, which is its military precursor. Rules relating to belligerent occupation are codified under the International Convention concerning the Laws and Customs of War of Land 1907 Regulations; the (INT) Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War 1949, and the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) 1977 which are applicable to Hong Kong SAR. See also Occupation.
在沒有任何主權轉移的情況下,以軍事武力佔領地方。如軍事武力已確立臨時但有組織的政府、控制被侵略國家的大部分戰區、維持軍事服務並按照公認的戰爭規則行事、並且有秩序地處理有關國家的事務,則交戰國佔領的情況才會發生。敵對佔領跟侵略不同,先有侵略後有佔領。有關交戰國佔領的規則,都是根據下列的公約編集成典,並適用於香港:《有關陸戰法律和習慣法1907年法規的國際公約》;1949年的《有關保護戰時公民的日內瓦公約(國際)》,1977年的《日內瓦公約附加議定書》,以及1977年的《有關保護國際軍事衝突受害人(第一議定書)》。另見 Occupation。




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