

单词 Ex delicto
释义 在侵權法上
Lat – as a result or arising out of a wrong or a tort. Actions in tort. Until the mid-nineteenth century, the courts for some procedural reasons (for example, for the purpose of determining if the court has jurisdiction to hear a claim) distinguished two forms of actions, namely actions in tort (ex delicto) and actions in contract (ex contractu). By virtue of the Common Law Procedure Act in England, the distinction between the two forms of action was abolished and the courts would classify a claim as tortious or contractual by looking at the substance and not the form: Bryant v Herbert (1878) 3 CPD 389.
拉丁語 – 由於過失或侵權而引起或產生的。有關侵權的訴訟。直至十九世紀中葉,法庭基於若干程序上的理由(例如在法庭具有就某申索作出聆訊的司法管轄權時而須作出裁定)而區別兩種訴訟方式,即侵權法上的訴訟 (在侵權法上)和合約上的訴訟 (在合約法上)。憑藉芵國普通法的程序法,兩種訴訟方式的區別已被廢除,而法庭會注意有關申索的內容而非形式以區別為侵權法上的申索或合約上的申索: Bryant v Herbert (1878) 3 CPD 389。




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