

单词 Practising certificate
释义 執業證書
A legal practitioner’s licence to practise. In Hong Kong, a legal practitioner must not practise without being the holder of a current practising certificate: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) ss 7, 31. In the case of solicitor, the Law Society is entitled to issue a practising certificate unconditionally or subject to conditions (s 6(5)(b)), while in the case of barrister it is the Bar Council (s 30(1)). In the case of a newly admitted practitioner, a condition will generally be imposed requiring completion of a period of supervised practice. Practising certificates are issued for no longer than one calendar year and expires naturally on 31 December: ss 6(1), 30(1). See also Admission; Bar Council; Barrister; Law Society; Professional misconduct; Solicitor.

法律執業者的執業牌照。在香港﹐沒有持有現行執業證書的法律執業者不得執業﹕《法律執業者條例》(第159章) 第7﹐31條。律師公會有權無條件地或按照條件發出律師的執業證書﹕第6(5)(b)條。大律師方面則由香港大律師公會執行委員會負責。就對新獲發證書者而言﹐通常會訂下條件要求完成一段受監察的程序。不會發出超過一年的執業證書﹐並自然地在12月31日到期﹕第6(1) ﹐30(1)條。另見認罪﹔香港大律師公會執行委員會﹔(大律師/訟務律師)﹔香港律師公會﹔專業上的失當行為﹔(律師/事務律師)。另見 Admission; Bar Council; Barrister; Law Society; Professional misconduct; Solicitor。





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