

单词 Exclusion clause
释义 除外條款
1. A contractual term which operates to exclude, restrict, or qualify the rights of the parties. To be effective, an exclusion clause must be a part of the contract; be appropriately worded to cover the breach that has occurred; and reasonably be brought to the attention of the other party. It must operate for the benefit of one party only: Suisse Atlantique Société d’ Armement Maritime SA v NV Rotterdamsche Kolen Centrale [1966] 2 All ER 61, [1967] 1 AC 361 (HL). The party seeking to rely on an exclusion clause must show that reasonable notice of it was given before formation of the contract: Always Win Ltd v Autofit Ltd [1995] 2 HKC 48 (HC); Ashdown v Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd [1957] 1 QB 409. Where appropriate, an exclusion clause will be construed contra proferentem in case of ambiguity: Burton v English (1883) 12 QBD 218, 220. If the clause is so wide as to exclude any obligation, no contract may arise at all. The right to rely on an exclusion clause may also be restricted by ordinance: for example, Control of Exemption Clauses Ordinance (Cap 71). There are two main types of exclusion clauses: clauses seeking to exclude or cut down a primary obligation of the contract and clauses seeking to qualify the rights of the promisee upon breach. An exclusion clause provides a defence to claims of breach of contract, and defines contractual duties and obligations: Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] AC 827, 1 All ER 556 (HL). 2. A term of a contract of insurance exempting or limiting the liability of the insurer to indemnify the insured. Also known as ‘exception clause’, ‘exemption clause’, ‘disclaimer’. See also Causal exclusion clause; Construction; Contract; Limitation clause; Term.
Insurance - A term or provision of an insurance policy exempting or restricting the liability of an insurer to indemnify the insured. It is also known as ‘exception clause’, ‘exclusion clause’, ‘disclaimer’: G H Renton & Co Ltd v Palmyra Trading Corp of Panama [1957] AC 149 (HL). See also Causal exclusion clause; Construction; Contract; Limitation clause; Term.
1.免除、限制或各方權利的合約條款,或對合約各方權利施加約制的合約條款。除外條款必須構成合約的一部份;以適當的措詞涵蓋已發生的違約;並且已合理地使另一方知悉才可有效。必須在僅使一方受益的情況下運作:Suisse Atlantique Société d’ Armement Maritime SA v NV Rotterdamsche Kolen Centrale [1966] 2 All ER 61, [1967] 1AC 361 (上議院)。謀求倚賴除外條款的一方,必須證明在合約成立之前,已獲給予合理的通知:Always Win Ltd v Autofit Ltd [1995] 2 HKC 48 (高等法院); Ashdown v Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd [1957] 1 QB 409。在適當的情況下,可以解釋合約條文時應以不利於條文提出者的解釋為準的原則解釋含糊之處:Burton v English (1883) 12 QBD 218, 220。如條款太廣泛以致免除任何責任,則可能根本沒有產生合約不。依賴除外條款的權利亦可受條例限制,例如《管制免責條款條例》(第71章)。除外條款主要有兩種:謀求免除或減少合約的主要法律責任的條款,以及謀求一旦違約便對受諾者的權利施加約制的條款。除外條款在違約申索中提供抗辯理由,並界定合約的責任及義務:Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] AC 827, 1 All ER 556 (上議院)。  2. 指豁免或限制保險人對受保人作出彌償的法律責任的保險合同條款。另稱「例外條款」、「免責條款」、「卸責聲明」。另見 Causal exclusion clause; Construction; Contract; Limitation clause; Term。
保險 -   免除或限制保險人對受保人作出彌償的法律責任的條件或條文。另稱「例外條款」、「免責條款」、「卸責條款」。G H Renton & Co Ltd v Palmyra Trading Corp of Panama [1957] AC 149 (上議院)。另見 Causal exclusion clause; Construction; Contract; Limitation clause; Term。




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