

单词 Excluded loss
释义 無須負責的損失
In insurance law, a loss for which an insurer is not liable. In marine insurance, excluded loss generally encompasses any loss not proximately caused by a peril insured against: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 55(1). It includes any loss attributable to the wilful misconduct of the assured, but not the misconduct or negligence of the master or crew, or a loss proximately caused by delay, even if the delay is caused by a peril insured against. Unless the policy provides otherwise, the insurer is not liable for ordinary wear and tear, ordinary leakage and breakage, inherent vice, or loss proximately caused by rats or vermin: s 55(2). See also Included loss; Proximate cause.
保險法中,指保險人不負有法律責任的損失。海上保險中,無須負責的損失通常包括非由承保的危險作為近因而造成的任何損失,《海上保險條例》第329章第55(1)條。無須負責的損失包括可歸因於受保人的故意失當行為而造成的任何損失,但因船長或船員的失當行為或疏忽而造成的除外;或由延擱作為近因而造成的任何損失,即使該延擱是由承保的危險造成的亦然;除非保單另有規定,否則保險人對受保標的物的日常損耗、尋常滲漏及破損、固有缺點或性質,或對由蟲鼠作為近因而造成的任何損失,不負有法律責任。《海上保險條例》第329章第55(2)條。另見Included loss; Proximate cause。




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