

单词 Exclusive licence
释义 專用特許
In copyright law, it means a licence in writing signed by or on behalf of the copyright owner authorising the licensee to the exclusion of all other persons, to exercise a right which would otherwise be exercised exclusively by the copyright owner. The licensee has the same rights against a successor in title who is bounded by the licence as he has against the person granting the licence: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 103. See also Copyright; Exclusive rights; Future copyright; Non-exclusive licence; Writing.
版權法中,指由版權擁有人或由他人代其簽署的書面特許,授權特許持有人在摒除所有其他人的情況下行使本應屬該版權擁有人可行使的獨有權利。特許持有人所具有的相對於受特許約束的所有權繼承人而言的權利,與其所具有的相對於批出該特許的人而言的權利相同:《版權條例》(第528章)第103條。另見 Copyright; Exclusive rights; Future copyright; Non-exclusive licence; Writing。




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