

单词 Exchange of contracts
释义 交換合約
A conveyancing practice in which the vendor and purchaser physically exchange counterpart identical contracts for the sale of land, each receiving a copy executed by the other party, thus entering into a binding contract. By conveyancing convention that has become a principle of law, a binding contract for the sale of land does not come into existence unless exchange of contracts takes place: Gibson v Manchester City Counsel [1979] 1 All ER 972, 1 WLR 294 (HL). The practice is often followed in general commercial transactions to formalise contracts already entered into by the parties. In a sale of land transaction, a client impliedly and ostensibly authorised his solicitor to effect exchange in any manner which the law recognised as amounting to exchange: Domb v Isoz [1980] 1 All ER 942, Ch 548 (CA). In law, exchange of contracts was effected as soon as each part of the contract, signed by the vendor or purchaser as the case might be, was in actual or constructive possession of the other party or his solicitor; possession by an agent of the party or by an agent of his solicitor was sufficient provided that person had control over the document and could at any time procure its actual physical possession: Domb v Isoz, supra (CA). See also Contract; Conveyance; Counterpart.
在此等物業轉易的做法下,賣方及買方以實物交換對手方相同的土地售賣合約,每一方取得由另一方簽立的副本,因而訂立具約束力的合約。憑藉成為法律原則的轉易慣例,除非已交換合約,否則土地售賣合約沒有效力:Gibson v. Manchester City Counsel [1979] 1 All ER 972, 1 WLR 294 (上訴院)。一般商業交易通常會依循此等做法以使雙方已訂立的合約具有明確的形式。土地賣買交易中,客戶的代表律師有隱含及顯然的權力,代客戶按認可的法律以任何方式交換合約:Domb v. Isoz [1980] Ch 548, 1 All ER 942 (芵國上訴法院)。在法律上,一旦合約各方(按情況由賣方或買方簽署)已實際或推定管有另一方或其律師的合約的副本,則已完成交換合約的程序;如一方的代理人或律師的代理人已取得有關的副本,以及可在任何時間取得有關文件的實際管有,則已屬充分的管有:Domb v. Isoz, 見上文 (芵國上訴法院)。另見 Contract; Conveyance; Counterpart。




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