

单词 Exclusive jurisdiction
释义 獨有的管轄權
A right, power, or authority that belongs to an entity or a state.
Equity - Prior to the Judicature Act 1873 (UK), the jurisdiction of a court of equity, comprising matters in which a court of equity alone had jurisdiction to grant relief, for example the enforcement of trusts. Trusts formed the leading subject matter of the exclusive jurisdiction in equity: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 11, Equity [165.007]. See also Auxiliary jurisdiction; Concurrent jurisdiction.
Foreign relations - In foreign relations a jurisdiction vested in one person, forum, or entity to the exclusion of others. Exclusive jurisdiction permits that entity to exercise absolute power and competence over all components within its jurisdiction. Any interference with the affairs in this jurisdiction is illegal. A state can enjoy exclusive jurisdiction over all components and affairs within its territory. See also Exclusive sovereignty; Jurisdiction; Sovereignty.
衡平法 - 在《1873年(英國)司法法》通過前,衡平法法院的管轄權由衡平法法院獨有批予濟助的管轄權之事宜組成,例如信託的強制執行。信託組成衡平法專屬管轄權的最主要的標的物:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第11冊,衡平法,第[165.007]段。另見 Auxiliary jurisdiction; Concurrent jurisdiction。
外交 - 關係  外交關係中,歸予一人、訴訟地或實體而不屬於他人的管轄權。專屬管轄權准許該等實體對在其管轄區內的所有組成部分行使絕對的權力和權限。任何對該等管轄區內的事務的干預均屬非法。國家對其領土內的所有組成部分均享有專屬管轄權。另見 Exclusive sovereignty; Jurisdiction; Sovereignty。




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