

单词 Instruct
释义 延聘
To retain or brief a legal practitioner to provide a legal service. Solicitors may accept instructions from the public but are not obliged to do so. Bar rules and practices prevent barristers from accepting instructions from a client without the intervention of an instructing solicitor. Barristers are subject to the ‘cab rank’ rule which provides that a barrister must, subject to a number of exceptions, such as a conflict of interest or the possession of relevant and confidential information, accept a brief from a solicitor to appear in court in a field in which the barrister practises. See also Brief; Conference; Opinion.
聘用或委聘法律執業者提供法律服務。公眾人士可直接延聘律師,但律師無義務接受此類延聘。大律師的規則及守則不容許大律師在無發出指示的律師的轉介下接受當事人的延聘。大律師受「的士站規則」(即大律師不得拒絕接辦案件的規則)規管,此規則規定大律師必須接受律師的委聘書,就其從事的範疇而出庭;但此規定有例外情況(例如有利益衝突或掌握相關及保密的消息)。另見 Brief; Conference; Opinion。v.




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