

单词 Outer bar
释义 外席/普通大律師
The group comprised of those barristers who have not been elevated to the rank of Queen’s Counsel or Senior Counsel. Irrespective of the expertise and experience a barrister may have, he or she is regarded as a member of the outer bar or as junior counsel unless appointed Queen’s Counsel or Senior Counsel. The group comprises the majority of barristers. The term originates from educational exercises or moots carried on by the Inns of Court in England. Junior members of the Inn who were considered sufficiently competent argued cases before senior members of the Inn called ‘benchers’. When taking part in the moot the junior members were seated at the outermost end of benches forming part of the bar of the mock court. These junior members of the Inn came to be known as ‘masters of the utter or outer bar’. See also Barrister; Counsel.
未被升致御用大律師或資深大律師的一類大律師。除非一名大律師被委任為御用大律師或資深大律師,否則不論他的專長及經驗,均會被視為外席會員或一般/普通大律師。這類別包含大部份的大律師。此詞最初來自英國大律師學院所舉辦的教育訓練或實習審判。被認為有足夠能力與學院的資深大律師辯論案件的大律師被稱為「資深會員」。一般/普通大律師參加實習審判時,坐在組成法庭部份的長椅上最外面的一頭。這些一般/普通大律師以後被稱為「外席專家」。另見 Barrister; Counsel。




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