

单词 Process
释义 法律程序文件
A document issued or filed with a court or tribunal in proceedings, which requires a person to attend before the court. For example, ‘originating process’ is a reference to the documents issued with the intent of bringing another person to court for litigation: Hunsworth v Registrar Of The Supreme Court & Anor [1997] 4 HKC 405. Process in a company winding up matter must be sealed: Companies (Winding-Up) Rules (Cap 32H) r 11. In relation to service of process on Sunday, process includes a writ, judgment, notice, order, petition, originating or other summons or warrant: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 65 r 10. Process also includes a citation: O 69 r 1. See also Reproduction; Service of process; Statement of claim; Summons; Writ.

  在法律程序中, 法庭或審裁處發出或提出要求某人出席法庭的文件。例如, 「原訴法律程序文件」是有意圖把他人帶到法庭前進行訴訟的提述: Hunsworth v. Registrar Of The Supreme Court & Anor [1997] 4 HKC 405。有關公司清盤事宜的程序文件均須予以蓋章: 公司 (清盤) 規則 (第 32H章)第 11規則。 就星期日送達法律程序文件而言, 有關的文件包括令狀、判決、通知、命令、呈請書、原訴或其他傳票或手令: 高等法院規則 (第 4A章) 第65號令第10規則。法律程序文件包括傳喚書: 第69號令第1規則。另見 Reproduction; Service of process; Statement of claim; Summons; Writ。n.





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