

单词 Production and inspection
释义 交出文件及供查閱
Pursuant to an order of a court, the production for the inspection of an opposite party, for the purpose of the cause or matter, every document in his possession, custody or power, or in the possession, custody or power of his agent, present or past, which relates to any matter in question in the cause or matter, and is material or relevant to that cause, unless the document falls within one of the classes of protected documents which are specified hereafter: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 24 r 11(1). Under the present Rules of the High Court there is no longer a distinction, as there was previously, between the obligation to disclose the existence of documents and the obligation to produce them for inspection: Alfred Crompton Amusement Machines Ltd v Customs and Excise Cmrs (No 2) [1974] AC 405, [1973] 2 All ER 1169 (HL). The power to order production of documents for inspection is discretionary: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 24 r 11; Zida Technologies Ltd v Tiga Technologies Ltd [2001] 4 HKC 163, 3 HKLRD 698. If a party fails to comply with a request for further and better particulars of the answers, the court may make such order as it thinks just including, in particular, an order that the action be dismissed or that the defence be struck out and judgment entered accordingly: O 26 r 5(3). The court has the power to limit disclosure by restricting inspection to legal representatives and experts: Warner-Lambert Co v Glaxo Laboratories Ltd [1975] RPC 354, CA Both sides must make available a list of documents which they hold in order to give the other side access: O 24 r 5(1); Wong Tsu Yew Charles v Bermuda Trust (Hong Kong) Ltd [2002] 4 HKC 196. Also known as ‘Request for Further and Better Particulars’ which takes place in a civil action.
根據法庭的命令,為訟案或事項的目的,交出他或他的代理人過去及現在所管有、保管或控制的的所有文件,及供對立一方查閱,除非該文件屬下述的受保護文件的其中一個類別:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第24號命令第11(1)條規則。根據目前的《高等法院規則》,披露文件存在的義務及交出文件供查閱,兩者之間已不如過往存有的任何分別:Alfred Crompton Amusement Machines Ltd v Customs and Excise Cmrs (No 2) [1974] AC 405, [1973] 2 All ER 1169 (上議院)。發出交出文件命令的權力乃一項酌情決定權:第24號命令第11(1)條規則;Zida Technologies Ltd v Tiga Technologies Ltd [2001] 4 HKC 163, [2001] 3 HKLRD 698。假如一方沒有遵從就其答覆給予更詳盡清楚的詳情的請求,法庭可作出其認為公正的命令,特別包括撤銷有關訴訟或剔除有關抗辯並據此登錄判決:第26號命令第5(3)條規則。法庭有權藉限制法律代表或專家的查閱而對披露作出限制:Warner-Lambert Co v Glaxo Laboratories Ltd (1975) 92 RPC 354。雙方必須擬備文件清單,從而給另一方查看:第24號命令第5(1)條規則;Wong Tsu Yew Charles v Bermuda Trust (Hong Kong) Ltd [2002] 4 HKC 196。在民事訴訟中,另稱「更詳盡清楚的詳情的請求」。




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