

单词 Procedural fairness
释义 程序上的公平
Principles developed at common law to ensure fairness of the decision-making procedure of courts and administrators. The principle of procedural fairness dictates that a party is to be heard before an unbiased tribunal and has the opportunity to be heard. The duty to ensure procedural fairness is on the tribunal and not the party being heard: Hong Kong Transit Publishing Co Ltd v The Director of Intellectual Property In His Capacity As The Registrar Of Trade Marks (HCAL 2061/2000, unreported). Procedural fairness is a practical matter primarily in the control of the tribunal to be determined on a case by case basis: Riady v Insider Dealing Tribunal [2003] 2 HKC 10 (CA). A breach of procedural fairness which does not produce substantial prejudice would not result in a decision being quashed: Leung Fuk Wah v Cmr of Police [2002] 3 HKLRD 653. Denial of procedural fairness in the making of a decision is a ground for judicial review. See also Bias, rule against; Hearing rule; Legitimate expectation; No evidence rule.
在普通法發展的原則以確保法庭和管理人員的決策過程公平。程序上的公平原則規定當事人在不偏袒的審裁處前進行聆訊,並有機會得到聆訊。確保程序上公平的責任在於審裁處而非獲得聆訊的當事人:Hong Kong Transit Publishing Co Ltd v The Director of Intellectual Property In His Capacity As The Registrar Of Trade Marks(高院憲法及行政訴訟2000年第2061號,未經彙報)。程序上的公平是實際的事情,需要視乎每宗案件來裁定,而主要的控制權則在於審裁處: Riary v Insider Dealing Tribunal [2003] 2 HKC 10(上訴法庭)。違反程序上的公平但沒有產生實質損害不會導致決定被撤銷:Leung Fuk Wah v Cmr of Police [2002] 3 HKLRD 653。在作出決定時漠視程序上的公平是司法覆核的理由。另見Bias, rule against; Hearing rule; Legitimate expectation; No evidence rule。




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