

单词 Capital reconstruction
释义 資本重整
Alteration of the share capital of a company, if allowed by its articles of association, by creating new shares, consolidating and dividing its shares into larger or smaller amounts than those existing, converting or reconverting paid-up shares of any denominations into stock, or cancelling shares that have been forfeited: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 53. Relief in respect of group re-construction: s 48D. See also Capital; Paid-up share capital; Share capital.
藉以下方式更改公司股本:如公司章程細則許可,可藉發行新股份;現有股份合併及拆分成為較現有為大或小的股份;將已繳足股款的股份轉為股額,然後將股額轉做任何面額已繳足股款的股份;或取消已被取消的股份款額:《公司條例》(第32章)第53條。就集團重整而給予的寬免:第48D條。另見 Capital; Paid-up share capital; Share capital。




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