

单词 Mortgage
释义 按揭
A lender’s interest in land, secured over the land of the borrower. A security over land for securing money or money’s worth: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 2. See also Equitable mortgage; Equity of redemption; Foreclosure; Legal mortgage.
Corporations - The lien of a company, usually given by articles over the shares of members for debts due by them to [R1] the company, constitutes an equitable charge upon the shares and is a mortgage: Everitt v Automatic Washing Machine Co [1892] 3 Ch 506. A security over land for securing money or money’s worth: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 2. A legal or equitable mortgage on shares will give a valid security: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 6, Companies and Corporations [95.2457].
Real property - A security by way of mortgage or equitable mortgage for the payment of any definite and certain sum of money advanced or lent at the time, or previously due and owing, or forborne to be paid, being payable, or for the repayment of money thereafter to be lent, advanced or paid, or which may become due upon an account current, together with any sum already advanced or due, or without, as the case may be, and includes conditional surrender by way of mortgage, or further charge, of or affecting any property whatsoever; and any conveyance of any property whatsoever in trust to be sold or otherwise converted into money, intended only as a security, and redeemable before the sale or other disposal thereof, either by express stipulation or otherwise; and any instrument for defeating or making redeemable, or explaining or qualifying any conveyance, transfer or disposition of any property whatsoever, apparently absolute, but intended only as a security; and any instrument relating to the deposit of any title deeds or instruments constituting or being evidence of the title to any property whatsoever or creating a charge on any property whatsoever; and any mortgage by an equitable owner of his equitable rights; and any warrant of attorney to enter up judgment: Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) s 2. The only form of legal mortgage over land is that of a charge by deed: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 44(1). Other forms of mortgage may be effected by a demise or sub-demise of land, by an assignment of a chose in action, by a charge on land or an agreement to create a charge, for securing money or money’s worth, the security being redeemable on repayment or discharge of the debt or other obligation. Generally whenever a disposition of an estate or interest is originally intended as a security for money, whether this intention appears from the deed itself or from any other instrument or from oral evidence, it is considered as a mortgage and redeemable: Financial and Investment Services for Asia Ltd v Baik Wha International Trading Co Ltd [1985] HKLR 103; Cheang Kwok Sam v Chui Kin Wing [1995] 1 HKC 637, [1994–95] CPR 176 (CA).
貸款人藉借款人把土地作抵押從而取得的土地權益。指作為金錢或金錢等值的償還保證的土地抵押:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第2條。另見 Equitable mortgage; Equity of redemption; Foreclosure; Legal mortgage。
法團 - 公司的留置權,通常通過章程細則,就成員欠公司的債項在成員的股份上設立,它構成衡平法上的股份押記,是一項按揭:Everitt v Automatic Washing Machine Co [1892] 3 Ch 506。作為金錢或金錢等值的償還保證的土地抵押:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第2條。法律上的或衡平法上的股份按揭為有效的抵押:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第6冊,公司與法團,第[95.2457]段。
不動產 -   指以按揭方式或衡平法上的按揭方式作出的抵押,以保證支付任何須支付的確定數額款項,不論該款項是否當時已預付或已貸出、是否原已到期而尚欠或是否須繳付而容許其未繳付,或用以保證償還以後獲貸出、預付或支付的款項,或用以保證償還在往來帳戶上可能到期的款項,連同或不連同(視屬何情況而定)其他已預付或已到期的任何款項,且包括以任何物業的按揭或再進行押記方式作出的有條件交出物業,或以對任何物業有影響的按揭或再進行押記方式作出的有條件交出物業;及以出售或以其他方式轉換為金錢的任何受託物業的轉易,而該項轉易的用意只是作為一項抵押,在該物業出售或以其他方式作產權處置前,可根據明文規定或其他規定予以贖回;及使任何物業的轉易、轉讓或產權處置無效或可予贖回的文書,或對該物業的轉易、轉讓或產權處置作出解釋或作出規限的文書,而該物業的轉易、轉讓或產權處置,表面上雖屬絕對的,但用意只是作為一項抵押;及任何關於業權契據存放的文書,或構成或證明任何物業的業權的文書,或對任何物業設立押記的文書;及衡平法上的擁有人就其衡平法上的權利作出的按揭;及要求法院登錄判決的委託書:《稅務條例》(第112章)第2條。法律上的土地按揭形式只有一種,即以契據作出之押記:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第44(1)條。其他產生按揭的形式有,通過土地批租或分批租,據法權產轉讓,土地押記或設立押記之協議(即作為金錢或金錢等值的償還保證的土地抵押,抵押並且在還款時、解除債務時、解除其他義務時可作贖回)。一般來說,每當產業權或權益處置是計劃作償還保證者,則不論該計劃是否在契約本身或其他文書或口頭證據中顯示,均會被視為按揭並可予以贖回:Financial and Investment Services for Asia Ltd v Baik Wha International Trading Co Ltd [1985] HKLR 103; Cheang Kwok Sam v Chui Kin Wing [1995] 1 HKC 637, [1994–95] CPR 176 (上訴法院)。n.




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