

单词 Moral conviction
释义 道德信念
A firmly or conscientiously held belief or opinion; an inward conviction of what is morally right or wrong that is genuinely reached and held after some process of thinking about the subject: R v District Court, ex p White [1966] 116 CLR 644. Refusal to perform military service arising from one’s genuine moral conviction may be the sole ground for a claim to refugee status: Sepet (FC) v Secretary for State for the Home Department [2003] UKHL 15 (HL); 1979 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Handbook para 170. See also Conscientious objection.
堅韌不拔的及良心上所持的信念或意見;經過對主題思考而真誠達到及持有的,道德對錯內在信念:R v District Court, ex p White [1966] 116 CLR 644。因個人的真誠道德信念,而拒絕服兵役者,可成為難民身份申請的唯一理由:Sepet (FC) v Secretary for State for the Home Department [2003] UKHL 15 (上議院);1979 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Handbook para 170。另見 Conscientious objection。




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