

单词 Recovery
释义 復甦
A phase of renewed economic activity and growth following a recession or depreciation; an upturn in the business cycle. On the stock market, an upward movement of prices after a decline. See also Business cycle; Stock market.
Succession - An action taken in a superior court to recover property from a person wrongfully in possession of that property. The judgment is enforced by a writ of possession. An action to recover a share of an intestate’s property, though in form an action for partition, is in fact an action for the recovery of property: Ponnamma v Arumogam [1905] AC 383 (PC). The remedy for the recovery of a legacy erroneously paid by the personal representative does not extend to the recovery of interest: Ministry of Health v Simpson [1951] AC 251, [1950] 2 All ER 1137 (HL). Subject to special provisions relating to actions in respect of trust property, no action in respect of any claim to the personal estate of a deceased person may be brought after the expiration of 12 years from the date when the right accrued: Limitation Ordinance (Cap 347) s 21. See also Intestate.
衰退或跌落後的經濟復興及增長階段;經濟周期中的轉機。就證券市場而言,指下跌後的價格上揚。另見 Business cycle; Stock market。
繼承 - 在高等法院向不當取得管有的人提起追討財產的訴訟。判決藉管有令狀強制執行。追討無遺囑人財產的份額,儘管是以分割訴訟提起,事實上為一項財產追討訴訟:Ponnamma v Arumogam [1905] AC 383。對由遺囑代理人錯誤地支付非土地遺贈的補救,並不延展致包括利息的追討:Ministry of Health v Simpson [1951] AC 241, [1950] 2 All ER 1137 (上議院)。除有關信託財產另有特別規定外,申索死者非土地遺產不得在權利產生的日期起計滿12年後提出:《時效條例》(第347章)第21條。另見 Intestate。n.




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