

单词 Loss of amenities
释义 舒適生活的損失
The consequences of the injury on a person’s ability to enjoy the life. Any award that might be made for the consequences of the injury and injury itself is subsumed in the global award for pain and suffering and loss of amenities: H West & Son Ltd v Shephard [1963] 2 All ER 625, [1964] AC 326 (HL). An objective test is used in assessing the value of the loss to the plaintiff, in order to give a fair and reasonable compensation which depends on the social, economic and industrial conditions in the same jurisdiction: Lee Ting Lam v Leung Kam Ming (an infant by his next friend Leung Shu Wing) [1980] HKLR 657 (CA); Leung On & Anor v Chan Pui Ki (An Infant) [1996] 2 HKC 565 (CA). An award will be made for loss of amenity, even where the plaintiff is unable to appreciate his condition because of permanent unconsciousness or similar disability: Yung Shi Fun v Tsang Cheuk Sum & Anor [1976] HKLR 998 (HC). Loss of amenities is a generic term, it includes loss or impairment of a digit or limb (A-G v Chun Yat Nam [1995] 1 HKC 218, 1 HKLR 390 (CA)); loss or impairment of sexual function: (Cook v J L Kier & Co Ltd [1970] 2 All ER 513, 1 WLR 774 (CA)); loss of the ability to give birth (So Sau Man & Anor v Hospital Authority [2001] 1 HKLRD 280 (CFI)); loss or diminution of the plaintiff’s prospects of marriage (Moriarty v McCarthy [1978] 2 All ER 213, 1 WLR 155); loss of pleasure and pride in one’s work (Morris v Johnson Matthey & Co (1967) 112 Sol Jo 32 (CA). Claims for loss of amenities must be supported by evidence which shows, on balance of probabilities, what pleasures of life the plaintiff has lost. Also known as ‘loss of faculty’, ‘loss of enjoyment of life’ and ‘loss of capacity’. See also Assessment of damages; General damages; Heads of damage; Loss of expectation of life; Non-pecuniary loss; Personal injury; Pain and suffering.
因受傷而引致某人損失享受生活能力的後果。任何為受傷後果或受傷本身所作出的判決是歸入疼痛與痛苦及舒適生活損失的全體裁決之內:H Weset & Son Ltd v Shephard [1964] AC 326, [1963] 2 All ER 625 (上議院)。一項客觀的驗證用於評估原訴人所蒙受的損失價值,以作出公平而合理的賠償,此驗證根據在相同的司法管轄權下社會、經濟及工業狀況而評定:Lee Ting Lam v Leung Kam Ming (an infant by his next friend Leung Shu Wing) [1980] HKLR 657(上訴法院);Leung On & Anor v Chan Pui Ki (An Infant) [1996] 2 HKC 565(上訴法院)。即使原訴人因永久失去知覺或相似的身體殘障而無法了解其狀況,依然會就舒適生活的失去而判處賠償:Yung Shi Fun v Tsang Cheuk Sum & Anor [1976] HKLR 998 (高等法院)。舒適生活的損失屬一個統稱,它包括某手指腳趾或任何四肢的失去或功能受損(A-G v Chun Yat Nam [1995] 1 HKC 218, 1 HKLR 390 (CA));性功能的失去受損(Cook v J L Kier & Co Ltd [1970] 2 All ER 513, 1 WLR 774(英國上訴法院));生育能力的損失(So Sau Man & Anor v Hospital Authority [2001] 1 HKLRD 280 (高等法院原訴庭));原訴人結婚期望的失去或減損(Moriarty v McCarthy [1978] 2 All ER 213, 1 WLR 155);某人在其工作中的樂趣與得意(Morris v Johnson Matthey & Co (1967) 112 Sol Jo 32(英國上訴法院))。就損失舒適生活所作出申索,必須由在相當可能性的衡量下,證明原訴人所失去生活樂趣的證據作支持。另稱「才能損失」、「生活享受的損失」及「能力損失」。另見 Assessment of damages; General damages; Heads of damage; Loss of expectation of life; Non-pecuniary loss; Personal injury; Pain and suffering。




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