

单词 Redemption
释义 贖回
1. The discharge of indebtedness under a mortgage. The right to redeem a mortgage may be exercised by persons other than the original mortgagor, for example the mortgagor’s personal representatives, trustees in bankruptcy, subsequent mortgagees (in order to advance their priority) and any other person who has an interest in the equity of redemption. A right of redemption may also be exercised by court order where there is a dispute as to whether the equity of redemption has or has not been extinguished. The mortgagor has an equitable right to redeem the property after the day fixed for payment has gone by, his right or equity of redemption is not strictly an equitable estate or interest, although it is in the nature of an equitable interest. Under the present system of creating legal mortgages by way of charge, the mortgagor retains the legal estate. 2. A buying back, especially of mortgaged property, by discharging the debt: Common Luck Investment Ltd v Cheung Kam Chuen [1999] 2 HKC 719. See also Buy-back; Equity of redemption.
1. 解除按揭下的債務。可由非原本的按揭人(例如按揭人的個人代表,破產案受託人,其後為增進優先權的承按人及任何其他在衡平法上的贖回權有權益的人)行使贖回按揭的權利。如有關於衡平法上的贖回權是否仍未終絕的爭議,則法庭命令也可行使贖回權。在定出繳付的日期過去之後,按揭人有衡平法上的權利贖回財物;儘管他的贖回權或衡平法上的贖回權的性質是衡平法上的權益,但並非是狹義的衡平法上的產業或權益。根據現有以押記產生法律上的按揭的制度,按揭人保留法律上的產業。  2. 回購貿易,特別是關於解除債務的按揭財物:Common Luck Investment Ltd v Cheung Kam Chuen [1999] 2 HKC 719。另見 Buy-back; Equity of redemption。n.




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