

单词 Dangerous animal
释义 危險動物
An animal classed either as belonging to a species obviously of a dangerous nature and as constituting a special danger to humankind, or an animal whose species is not considered harmful to humankind but manifests a vicious propensity: Buckle v Holmes [1926] 2 KB 125. The distinction is made for the purpose of assessing the liability of a keeper of an animal which has caused injury in a scienter action. In Hong Kong, there are detailed provisions designed to protect the public from dangerous animals: Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance (Cap 139); Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Exhibitions) Regulations (Cap 139F); Dogs and Cats Ordinance (Cap 167); Rabies Ordinance (Cap 421); Pounds Ordinance (Cap 168). An owner or keeper may be liable in negligence for damage caused by an animal mansuetae naturae and not known to be dangerous: Tang Lo Lai Chun v Yim Ho Wai Lin [1975] HKLR 33. See also Dangerous dog; Scienter.
危險動物被分為兩類,一是性質明顯屬於有危險的種類、並對人類構成特別的危害,一是不被視為對人類有害的種類,但顯示有兇猛的傾向:Buckle v Holmes [1926] 2 KB 125。此等分類的目的在於評估於蓄意行為中,導致傷害的動物的蓄養人的法律責任。本港有詳盡的條文保障公眾免受危險動物傷害:《公眾衛生(動物及禽鳥)條例》(第139章):《公眾衛生(動物及禽鳥)(展覽)規例》(第139F章);《貓狗條例》(第167章);《動物羈留所條例》(第168章);《狂犬病條例》(第421章)。動物的擁有人或蓄養人可就不被視為危險的家蓄動物導致的損害負有疏忽的法律責任:Tang Lo Lai Chun v Yim Ho Wai Lin [1975] HKLR 33。另見 Dangerous dog; Scienter。




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