

单词 Damages for non-performance
释义 合約不獲履行的損害賠償
Damages granted for compensation for the failure of the other party to discharge his or her obligations under the contract. Under common law, a party to a contract is required to do what he or she has promised to perform. The sufficiency of a party’s performance depends very much on the nature of his or her obligation in the contract. A party would not be treated in breach for non-performance if insufficient time and opportunity has been given for performance: Whale View Investment Ltd v Kensland Realty Ltd, Tam, Pun & Yipp (Third Party) [2000] HKLRD 261 (HC). The fact that the contract itself provides for compensation in term of monetary value on non-performance could not be treated as conclusive in deciding whether specific performance should be granted: Lee Tat Kwong v Choi Pui Kei Stephen & Anor [1991] 2 HKC 109, HKLY 165 (HC); Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) ss 52, 53. See also Damages.
如合約的另一方未能履行其合約上的責任,則法院會授予作為補償的損害賠償。根據普通法,合約的一方須履行他或她已承諾履行的責任。一方是否已充分履行其責任,則主要取決於他或她在該合約中的責任的性質。如一方沒有獲給予充分的時間或機會履行,則該方將不會被視為已違反不履行:Whale View Investment Ltd v Kensland Realty Ltd, Tam, Pun & Yipp (Third Party) [2000] HKLRD 261 (高等法院)。法院在決定是否應授予強制履行令時,就合約本身在不履行的情況下提供金錢價值的補償這一事實,不可視為不可推翻的證據:Lee Tat Kwong v Choi Pui Kei Stephen & Anor [1991] 2 HKC 109, HKLY 165 (高等法院);《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第52及53條。另見 Damages。




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