

单词 Certainty of subject
释义 對象的確切性
The requirement in the law of trust that there must be an identifiable trust property in order to establish a trust. If the trust property cannot be clearly identified, the purported trust is void: Kleinwort Benson (Hong Kong) Trustees Ltd v Wong Foon Hang [1993] 1 HKC 649. In addition, the beneficial interest is also required to be certain. If the beneficial interests are not certain, the trust will fail for uncertainty. Immoblised shares with unnumbered share certification in central clearing and settlement system (CCASS) cannot be the subject matter of a trust for want of certainty, even though there is no earmarking of the scrip and the securities are expressly treated under the CCASS Rules as interchangeable units for the purposes of transfer or delivery (CCASS Rules r 809), because there are actually strict recording requirements at each level to show what securities are held for whom, and all transactions for sale and purchase through CCASS are recorded in detail: Re CA Pacific Finance Ltd (In Liq) (No 1) [1999] 2 HKC 632. See also Beneficial interest; Certainty of intention; Certainty of object; Charitable trust; Three certainties; Trust.
信託法中的規定,指出必須存在可以識別的信託財產,以確立信託。若信託財產不可清楚識別,本意是的信託即屬無效:Kleinwort Benson (Hong Kong) Trustees Ltd v Wong Foon Hang [1993] 1 HKC 649。此外,實益權益亦必須屬確切的。若實益權益不屬確切,則該信託會因不確切而失效。在中央結算及交收系統中沒有號碼的非流動股票,可因不確切而不能成為信託標的事項,縱使指定臨時股票,及根據《中央結算及交收系統規則》,就轉讓或交付而言,該等證券明文視為可換單位(《中央結算及交收系統規則》第809條規則),因為於每一層面上實際均有嚴謹的記錄要求,以證明誰人持有何等證券,及所有透過中央結算及交收系統進行的買賣交易均有詳細記錄:Re CA Pacific Finance Ltd (In Liq) (No 1) [1999] 2 HKC 632。另見 Beneficial interest; Certainty of intention; Certainty of object; Charitable trust; Three certainties; Trust。




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