

单词 Redundancy
释义 裁員
In relation to employment, the termination of an employee’s employment on the ground that the employer does not need the employee’s work. A redundancy situation will arise whenever an employer has ceased, or intends to cease, to carry on the business in the place where the employee was so employed or for the purposes of which the employee was employed: Employment Ordinance (Cap 57) s 31B(2)(a). A redundancy will also arise where the requirements of the business for employees to carry out work of a particular kind, or for employees to carry out work of a particular kind in the place where the employee was so employed, have ceased or diminished or are expected to cease or diminish: s 31B(2)(b); Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd v Wong Yuen Kwong [1987] 3 HKC 508.
就僱傭合約而言,基於僱主不須要僱員工作的理由終止僱員的僱傭合約。無論可時僱主已停止或擬停止經營在僱員受僱工作地點從事的業務或僱用該僱員所從事的業務,裁員的情況會發生:《僱傭條例》(第57章)第31B(2)(a)條。如有關業務對僱用僱員從事某類工作的需求,或該業務對僱用僱員在其受僱工作地點從事某類工作的需求,已告停止或縮減,或預期會停止或縮減,則也會有裁員的情況發生:第 31B(2)(b)條; Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd v Wong Yuen Kwong [1987] 3 HKC 508; Wong See Yee v Fung Hang Musical Co Ltd (LTA 79/86, 未經彙報)。 n.




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