

单词 Refugee
释义 難民
A person who is outside his or her country of origin and is unable or unwilling to seek protection from that country or to return there, and this unwillingness is attributable to a well-founded fear of persecution based on reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion: Convention relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 art 1A; Tran Van Tien v Director of Immigration [1997] HKLRD 183. State parties have agreed on a number of rights and protections for persons accorded refugee status under the Convention; notably the right of non-refoulement: art 33. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established to assist states in their application of the Convention. Although this Convention is not enforced in Hong Kong, the courts have adopted the definition of refugee as expounded in the Convention: Tran Van Tien v Director of Immigration, supra. See also Refugee status; Refugee Status Review Board; Stateless person; Vietnamese refugee.
在其原本國家之外的人及不能夠或不願意謀求該國的保護或重返該國,而此不願意的心態可歸因於有足夠令其恐懼的理由,例如基於種族、宗教、國籍,社會上特殊社會組別的成員或政見:《1951年難民身份公約》第 1A條;Tran Van Tien v Director of Immigration (1996) 7 HKPLR 173。公約的簽署國同意在公約下對擁有難民身份的人士給予若干權利和保障;特別是不被遣返的權利:第33條。成立聯合國難民事務高級專員事務所以協助國家因應公約處理有關的難民事宜。儘管此公約在香港沒有效力,法院採立公約對難民定義的解釋;Tran Van Tien v Director of Immigration,見上文。另見Refugee status; Refugee Status Review Board; Stateless person; Vietnamese refugee。n.




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