

单词 Recommendation
释义 建議/推薦
An individual opinion or collective decision expressed in a formal instrument which has no binding effect. In public international law, the international legal status of a recommendation is advisory, precatory or directory in nature. For example, a resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations is a recommendation and unenforceable, except where the assembly is specifically empowered to adopt a binding resolution under the Charter of the United Nations 1945: Voting Procedure case 1955 ICJ 67; Charter of the United Nations 1945 arts 10, 11, 13, 14. Resolutions relating to internal affairs of the General Assembly, such as its budget, are binding: Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 17. See also General Assembly; Precatory words; Resolution.
Coroners - In coronial law, a recommendation made by a coroner or jury in relation to prevention from the recurrence of fatalities similar to that in respect of which the inquest is being held; prevention from other hazards to life disclosed by the evidence at the inquest; bringing to the attention of a person who may have power to take appropriate action any deficiencies in a system or method of work which are disclosed by the evidence at the inquest and which are of public concern: Coroners Ordinance (Cap 504) s 44(2). A coroner may not edit a jury’s recommendation except so far as is required to deal with a case of illegality or internal inconsistency: R v West London Coroner, ex p Gray [1988] QB 467, [1987] 2 All ER 129 (DC). See also Coroner; Fire; Inquest; Inquiry; Suspected death.
指顯示在正式文書內的不具有約束效力的個人或集體決定。就國際公法而言,一項建議的國際法律地位屬諮詢性,懇求性或指導性。例如聯合國大會通過的議案乃一項非強制性的建議,除非是根據《1945年聯合國憲章》特別授權採用具約束力的決議:Voting Procedure case 1955 ICJ 67;《1945年聯合國憲章》第10、11、13及14條。有關聯合國大會內部事務的決議,例其財政預算具有約束力:第17條。另見 General Assembly; Precatory words; Resolution。
死因裁判官 -   在死因裁判法,死因裁判官或陪審團可就某死亡事件進行的研訊中作出建議,以期防止與該死亡事件類似的死亡事件發生;防止該研訊的證供所披露的其他危及生命的情況發生;促請可具有採取適當行動的權力的人注意該研訊的證供所披露的在工作系統或方法上的不足之處,而這些不足亦為公眾人士所關注的:《死因裁判官條例》 (第504章)第44(2)條。死因裁判官不可修改陪審團的建議,除被要求處理違法或內部不一致的案件外:R v West London Coroner, ex p Gray [1988] QB 467,[1987] 2 All ER 129(英國地方法院)。另見 Coroner; Fire; Inquest; Inquiry; Suspected death。n.




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