

单词 Time bill
释义 遠期匯票

A bill payable at a determinable future time, which is expressed to be payable at a fixed period after date or sight or on a fixed period after the occurrence of a specified event which is certain to happen, even if the time of happening is not certain: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 11. If the bill or note is payable ‘after’ date or sight, it would be uncertain as it does not specify a determinable future time. It is usual to make bills and notes payable a specified number of months after date or sight. That period is known as the ‘usance’. See also Bill of exchange.
如匯票上明示在註明日期後的指定期間或見票後的指定期間付款;或匯票上明示在某指明肯定會發生的事件出現時或在其出現後的指定期間付款(但發生時間可能不肯定),則該匯票是在可以確定的未來時間付款的匯票:《匯票條例》(第19章) 第11條。如有關的匯票或票據須在註明日期「之後」或見票「之後」付款,則因沒有指明可以確定的未來時間而變得不確定。習慣上安排有關的匯票或票據在指定期間或見票後的許多月份後才須予付款。該期間稱為「(習慣)期限」。另見 Bill of exchange。





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