

单词 Harbour authority
释义 海港管理機關
A person or body of persons appointed or an organisation created under statutory authority to manage, improve, maintain and regulate a harbour, and promote, encourage, facilitate, carry out and control the development of port facilities and land within the harbour area. The Hong Kong Marine Department is responsible for the administration of the port and harbour. Its Planning & Services Division is responsible for the strategic planning of port development and management of the public port facilities, such as harbour mooring and public cargo handling areas. The commercial port facilities, such as container terminals, are developed, owned and operated by private organisations. See also Harbour.
指根據法定權限被委任的任何人、團體、或組織,以管理、改善、維持及規管某海港,以及促進、支持、便利、落實及控制在有關海港範圍內的港口設施及土地的發展。香港海事處負責港口及海港的行政工作。海事處的策劃及海事服務科負責港口拓展的策略則劃及公眾港口設施的管理,例如海港繫泊及公眾貨物裝卸區。商業港口設施(例如貨櫃碼頭)由私人機構負責發展、擁有及營運。另見 Harbour。




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