

单词 Product standard
释义 貨品標準
An informal and often unwritten standard or practice adopted within an industry. Product must be of a certain standard in order to be sold. This standard is usually derived from implied terms of a contract for the sale of goods: Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) ss 14-17. A product is of an acceptable standard when it matches its description: s 15; David Lynn & Co v Lien Foo Co [1952] 36 HKLR 381; Essabhoy Ebrahim (HK) Ltd v Tai Fong Dyeing & Weaving Factory Ltd [1978] HKLR 567. A product standard must be of merchantable quality in the course of business: s 16(2); William Zamara & Ors v The Shui Hing Co Ltd [1951] 35 HKLR 1; Oracle Enterprises Ltd v The Gosho Co Ltd [1962] HKLR 702. A product will also meet a particular standard if it is fit for the purpose for which it was sold (s 16(3)), or if it is of the same quality as is demonstrated by a sample (s 17).

某行業採用的非正式及通常為非文字的標準或習慣。貨品必須達到某特定標準放可出售。這個標準一般來自售貨合約上的隱含條款:《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第14-17條。如貨品與貨品說明相符,貨品的標準為可接受者:第15條;David Lynn & Co v Lien Foo Co [1952] HKLR 381;Essabhoy Ebrahim (HK) Ltd v Tai Fong Dyeing & Weaving Factory Ltd [1978] HKLR 567。 貨品標準必須在業務運作中達到可商售品質:第16(2)條;William Zamara & Others v The Shui Hing Co Ltd [1951] HKLR 1;Oracle Enterprises Ltd v The Gosho Co Ltd [1962] HKLR 702。如貨品達到它出售的特定用途的適用性 (s 16(3)),或如貨品的質量與樣本展示的相符 (s 17) ,則該貨品亦已達到某特定標準。





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