

单词 Resulting trust
释义 歸復信託
A trust arising by operation of law where an intention to put property into trust is sufficiently expressed or indicated, but the actual trust either is not declared in whole or in part or fails in whole or in part (Ip Cheung-kwok v Ip Siu-bun [1988] 2 HKLR 247, [1988] HKC 437); or where property is purchased in the name or placed in the possession of a person ostensibly for his own use, but really in order to effect a particular purpose which fails (Lord Napier and Ettrick and Richards Butler v R F Kershaw Ltd [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 10 (CA)); or where property is purchased in the name or placed in the possession of a person without any intimation that he is to hold it in trust, but the retention of the beneficial interest by the purchaser or disposer is presumed to have been intended (Yu Shiu Ngam v Zen She Lin [1999] 1 HKC 823, [1999] 2 HKLRD 21). In all these cases the beneficial interest in the property, so far as not applicable to any sufficiently expressed or indicated beneficiary or object, results or reverts to the disposer or purchaser of the property or, in the case of his previous death, to his representatives: Re West, George v Grose [1900] 1 Ch 84. A resulting trust may arise solely by operation of law, as where, upon a purchase of land, one person provides the purchase money and the conveyance is taken in the name of another; there is then a presumption of a resulting trust in favour of the person providing the money, unless from the relation between the two, or from other circumstances, it appears that a gift was intended: Fung Ping Shan v Tong Shun [1918] AC 403 (PC); Savage v Dunningham [1974] Ch 181, [1973] 3 All ER 429. Where a trustee has discharged his obligation as regards trust property a resulting trust will be not be imposed: Derochemont Societe Anonyme v Kent International Films Ltd [1987] 2 HKC 271. See also Aliquot part rule; Constructive trust; Express trust; Implied trust.
藉法律的施行而產生的信託:有充分明示或顯示的意圖以信託的方式處理財物,但實際上沒有在有關的信託作出全部或部分的聲明或未能就全部或部分的信託作出信託聲明 (Ip Cheung-kwok v Ip Siu-bun [1988] 2 HKLR 247, [1988] HKC 437);或以顯然地作為己用的人的名義,但實際上是為完成未能成功的特別目的(Lord Napier and Ettrick and Richards Butler v R F Kershaw Ltd [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 10(上訴法院));或以未獲悉以信託方式持有物業的人的名義購買財物或把財物的管有權置於其身上,但推定有意由購買人或處置者保留受益人的權益(Yue Shiu Ngam v Zen She Lin [1999] 1 HKC 823, [1999] 2 HKLRD 21)。在所有這些情況下,財物的實益權益歸還或復歸予財物的處置者或購買人,或在他之前死亡的情況,歸還或復歸予其代表(不適用於已充分明示或顯示的受益人或目的):Re West, George v Grose [1900] 1 Ch 84。可僅以法律的施行而產生歸復信託,在土地購買的情況,一人提供購買的款項而有關的轉易以他人的名義取得;除非從兩者之關係或其他情況看來似有餽贈的意圖,否則會推定有有利於提供款項的人的歸復信託:Fung Ping Shan v Tong Shun [1918] AC 403 (樞密院); Savage v Dunningham [1974] Ch 181, [1973] 3 All ER 429。如信託人已履行其信託財物的責任,則不會加諸歸復信託:Derochemont Societe Anonyme v Kent International Films Ltd [1987] 2 HKC 271。另見 Aliquot part rule; Constructive trust; Express trust; Implied trust。




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