

单词 Acceleration
释义 提前/加快
The hastening or advancement of something; the bringing about a state of affairs more quickly.
Medicine - The hastening of a disease which will usually, though not invariably, be a progressive disease. The words ‘acceleration’ and ‘aggravation’ are not mutually exclusive since the consequence of hastening the development of an underlying progressive disease may be to increase the severity of that disease. See also Aggravation; Disease.
Mortgages and securities - The situation where, by reason of the default or other cause defined in the relevant contract, the whole (or a greater than normal part) of an advance or other payment becomes immediately due and payable. If a present debt is payable by instalments and it is provided that in the event of one instalment not being punctually paid the whole sum will become immediately payable, the acceleration of payment is not void. However, a provision providing for the acceleration of payment may amount to a penalty where the sum claimed under the clause is in fact more than the amount owing. See also Acceleration clause; Personal property; Securities.
醫學 - 通常但不必然是漸趨嚴重疾病的加快。「加快」與「加重」並不相悖,因為加快潛伏的漸趨嚴重疾病的發展,後果可能是病情的加重。另見 Aggravation; Disease。
按揭及抵押 - 因怠誤或有關合約內訂明的原因而令全部(或較正常多的部分)貸款及其他款項即時到期及須繳清的情況。如果現有債項以分期形式攤還,而合約訂明若有一期不依時繳付則全數須即時繳清的話,提前還款將不會無效。但如果須按條款繳付的款額實際比尚餘欠款額為多的話,提前還款條款則可能會構成罰則。另見 Acceleration clause; Personal property; Securities。n.




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