

单词 Retorsion
释义 復原
In foreign relations, a legitimate act taken by a state in response to another state’s unfriendly act or violation of international law. Retorsion is a mild form of sanction, and does not affect the rights of the offending state. Examples are economic retaliatory measures; severance of diplomatic relations; revocation of diplomatic privileges; and the withdrawal of fiscal, tariff, or customs concessions. It does not need to be retaliation in kind. Unlike reprisal there is no legal defence against retorsion. See also Reprisal; Sanction.
就外交而言,一個國家因應另一個國家的不友善或違反國際法行為,而採取的合法作為。復原屬於溫和的制裁,並不影響有錯國家的權利。例如經濟報復手段;切斷外交關係;撤銷外交特權;及取消財務,稅務或關稅等特許權。復原不一定是以同樣的方法報復。不像報復,法律上並沒有針對復原的抗辯理由。另見 Reprisal; Sanction。n.




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