

单词 Inference
释义 推論
An affirmative conclusion from circumstances proved in evidence. To draw inferences is part of the fact finding process. An inference of guilt must be drawn from primary facts that were proved beyond reasonable doubt: Chamberlain v R (No 2) (1984) 153 CLR 521. It is not necessary for the prosecution to prove each fact upon which an inference of guilt was based beyond doubt: HKSAR v Lo Hung Kwong [2000] 3 HKC 474 (CA). If a higher court is satisfied that an inference drawn by the court below is wrong, it must substitute its own inference: Westminster Bank Ltd v Edwards [1942] AC 529, 1 All ER 470 (HL). No adverse inference may be drawn from the fact that a defendant in a criminal proceeding failed to give evidence in trial, however, it would be that there is no evidence from the defendant to undermine, contradict to explain the evidence put by the prosecution: R v Bathurst [1968] 1 All ER 1175, 52 Cr App Rep 251, 2 QB 99 (CA). See also Adverse inference; Circumstantial evidence.
由經證據證明的情況而得出的肯定結論。作出推論是裁斷事實過程的一部分。必須憑藉經證明無合理疑點的基本事實得出有罪的推論:Chamberlain v R(No 2)(1984) 153 CLR 521。控方無須證明該有罪推論所依據的每一項事實均無合理疑點:HKSAR v Lo Hung Kwong [2000] 3 HKC 474(上訴法院)。如較上級的法院信納由下級法院所得的推論是錯誤的,則該上級法院須以其所得的推論替代該項推論:Westminster Bank Ltd v Edwards [1942] AC 529, 1 All ER 470(上議院)。即使刑事法律程序中的被告人事實上沒有提供證據,亦不可作出不利的推論,但如被告人沒有提供用作破壞、反駁或解釋控方所提出的證據,證,則可能有不利的推論產生:R v Bathurst [1968] 1 All ER 1175,52 Cr App Rep 251,2 QB 99(英國上訴法院)。另見 Adverse inference; Circumstantial evidence。n.




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