

单词 Juridical advantage
释义 有利因素
A beneficial feature, favourable circumstance, better position, or superiority of party to dispute in respect of the applicable law. A juridical advantage assists in establishing the merits of a case in a court of justice. In deciding ‘forum conveniens’ or the question of which is the appropriate court, the fact that the granting of a stay or the refusal of leave to serve proceedings out of the jurisdiction may deprive the plaintiff of a legitimate personal or juridical advantage available to him under the local court’s jurisdiction will not, as a general rule, deter the court from granting such order if it is satisfied that substantial justice will be done to all parties in the appropriate forum: Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1987] AC (460); The Adhiguna Meranti [1987] 2 HKC 126, HKLR 904 (CA).
指任何實益特徵、有利情況、較好位置或某方就適用法律作出爭議的優勢。有利因素協助法院建立個案的是非曲直。在決定‘便利公堂’或某法庭是否適當法庭的問題,授予擱置或拒絕給予許可送達在司法管轄權範圍外的程序的事實,可剝奪在本地法庭的司法管轄權範圍下原告人可得的合法動產或有利因素,作為一般規則,不會阻止法庭授予該等命令,如符合實質的公正在適當的訴訟地中會向各方作出:Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1987] AC (460);The Adhiguna Meranti [1987] 2 HKC 126, HKLR 904 (上訴法院)。




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