

单词 Jury
释义 陪審團

A group of people who swear to fairly determine an issue of fact. The jury must decide questions of fact left to them by the judge and, in a criminal trial, to return a verdict of guilty or not guilty of the crime charged in the indictment. Juries are used almost exclusively in criminal cases tried originally in the High Court, and only rarely in civil cases such as defamation. The law relating to jurors: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3). See also Bias; Direction to jury; Empanel a jury; Juror; Juror challenge; Jury deliberations; Jury roll; Jury vetting; Peremptory challenge; Trial by jury.
一群宣誓就事實爭論點作出公平裁定的人。陪審團須就法官給予他們的事實問題作出決定,並在刑事審訊當中,就公訴書上所檢控的罪名作出有罪或無罪的決定。陪審團專供原有在高等法院所審訊的刑事案件使用,或罕有地在民事案件中出現,如誹謗案。有關陪審員的法例:《陪審團條例》(第3章)。另見 Bias; Direction to jury; Empanel a jury; Juror; Juror challenge; Jury deliberations; Jury roll; Jury vetting; Peremptory challenge; Trial by jury。n.





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