

单词 Inequality of bargaining power
释义 議價能力的不平等
The situation in which one party to a contract is unable to properly determine or act in his or her own best interests. A person’s bargaining power may be impaired by reason of his or her own needs or desires, or by his or her own ignorance (Bachicha v Poon Shiu Man Henry [2000] 3 HKC 452, 2 HKLRD 833 (CA)) or infirmity coupled with undue influence (Amuse Hong Kong Ltd v Chan Kin Tim Leslie & Anor [1994] 1 HKC 175, 1 HKLR 364 (CA)) or by the pressure brought to bear on him or her for the benefit of the other party: Lloyds Bank Ltd v Bundy [1974] 3 All ER 757, [1975] QB 326 (CA). Such inequality often arises where the contract was entered between an employer and an employee: for example Kao, Lee & Yip (A Firm) v John Richard Edwards [1994] 1 HKLR 232 (CA); Bachicha v Poon Shiu Man Henry, supra. See also Fiduciary relationship; Undue influence.
指締約一方無能力為其本身的最佳利益而作出決定或行事的情況。某人的議價能力可能因其本身的需要、要求或疏忽(Bachicha v Poon Shiu Man Henry [2000] 3 HKC 452, 2 HKLRD 833(上訴法院))、衰弱及受不當影響(Amuse Hong Kong Ltd v Chan Kin Tim Leslie & Anor [1994] 1 HKC 175, 1 HKLR 364(上訴法院))或為另一方的利益而向其施加的壓力而受到損害:Lloyds Bank Ltd v Bundy [1974] 3 All ER 757, [1975] QB 326(英國上訴法院)。此等不平等的情況通常會在僱主及僱員訂立的合約出現:例如Kao, Lee & Yip(A Firm) v John Richard Edwards [1994] 1 HKLR 232(上訴法院);Bachicha v Poon Shiu Man Henry, 見上文。另見 Fiduciary relationship; Undue influence。




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