

单词 Arbitration clause
释义 仲裁條款
1. A clause in a contract by which the parties agree to refer future disputes to arbitration, whether or not a particular individual or individuals (normally one or more) are named. The composition of the tribunal is determined by the parties or by a third party in accordance with the procedures set out in the Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 341) or by the court: ss 9,12 (domestic arbitration), sch 5 art 11 (international arbitration). 2. The requirement of writing for an arbitration agreement is satisfied where there is a document or exchange of documents which record the existence of or incorporate or agree to incorporate an agreement to arbitrate: s 2AC(1), (2). An arbitration agreement cannot be established by a course of dealing: H Smal Ltd v Goldroyce Garment Ltd [1994] 2 HKC 526 (HC). If the parties reserve an option to arbitrate, the statutory requirement is satisfied when the option and the execution of the option are in writing: Westfal-Larsen & Co A/S v Ikerigi Compania Naviera SA, The Messiniaki Bergen [1983] 1 All ER 382. 3. A party seeking to enforce an arbitration clause need only establish an arguable case that there is an agreement before the court which in turn refers the matter to arbitration: Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd & Anor v Tsinlien Metals and Minerals Co (HK) Ltd [1993] 2 HKLR 249 (HC). See also Alternative dispute resolution; Arbitration submission; Arbitration tribunal; Arbitrator.
1.一項合約條款,締約各方在該條款中同意將日後爭議提交仲裁,不論是否已指定由某一人士或某些人士擔任仲裁員(通常有一個或多個)。仲裁庭的組成由雙方或第三方按照《仲裁條例》(第341章)所列程序決定,或由法院決定:第9及12條(本地仲裁)及附表5(國際仲裁)。 2.仲裁協議須以書面作出,該規定在以下情況即屬符合:根據某文件或交換的文件,確有仲裁協議的存在記錄,或有文件或交換的文件收納或同意收納仲裁協議:2AC(1), (2)條。但不能以交易的過程來證明仲裁協議的存在:H Smal Ltd v Goldroyce Garment Ltd [1994] 2 HKC 526(高等法院)。如締約各方保留選擇仲裁的權利,以書面規定該選擇權及以書面執行該選擇權,便算是符合上述法例規定:Westfal-Larsen & Co A/S v Ikerigi Compania Naviera SA, The Messiniaki Bergen [1983] 1 All ER 382。 3. 如要強制執行仲裁條款,只須向法院證明,「各方有協議」這論點是可提出論據加以證明的,然後由法院將有關問題交予仲裁:Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd & Anor v Tsinlien Metals and Minerals Co (HK) Ltd [1993] 2 HKLR 249(高等法院)。另見 Alternative dispute resolution; Arbitration submission; Arbitration tribunal; Arbitrator。




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