

单词 Gratuitous services
释义 無償服務
Services provided free of charge by private individuals to a person who has suffered injury from another’s negligence, to assist that person in coping with the injuries. Where the injured plaintiff is cared for, not by professional paid carers, but by volunteers, whether members of his family or otherwise, the award of damages will reflect the value of the services provided: Tang Siu Kit v Lam Po [1985] 1 HKC 391. The value of such gratuitous services may be determined either by applying the cost of buying such care on the open market (Wong Chi On v Yuen Tim Fat [1977] HKLR 138 (HC)), by assessing the loss of income suffered by a carer who has given up paid employment to care for the plaintiff (Tang Siu Kit v Lam Po, supra; Bond v Tung Shao Lin Andy [1985] 2 HKC 263 (HC)), or a combination of the two (Kwan Ka Pui by his next friend Wong Chi Man v Lai Kam Tong & Anor [1976] HKLR 989 (HC)).
由私人向另一因他人的疏忽而導致蒙受傷害的人提供的免費服務,以協助該人妥善地處理所受的傷害。如受傷的原告人並非由收費的專業照料人員照顧,而是由自願人員(不論是其家人或其他人士)照顧,則損害賠償的判給會反映所提供服務的價值:Tang Siu Kit v Lam Po [1985] 1 HKC 391。此等無償服務的價值取決於在公開市場購買此等服務的費用 (Wong Chi On v Yuen Tim Fat [1977] HKLR 138(高等法院)),或透過評估照料人員因放棄有薪工作照顧原告人而蒙受的入息損失 (Tang Siu Kit v Lam Po, 見上文; Bond v Tung Shao Lin Andy [1985] 2 HKC 263(高等法院)) ,或上述兩者的組合 (Kwan Ka Pui by his next friend Wong Chi Man v Lai Kam Tong & Anor [1976] HKLR 989(高等法院))。




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