

单词 Archipelago
释义 群島
A group of islands, interconnecting waters and other natural features which are so closely interrelated that they form an intrinsic geographical, economic and political entity, or have historically been regarded as such: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 46(b). An archipelagic state is constituted wholly by one or more archipelagos and may include other islands: art 46(a). The close geographical proximity and special situations have resulted in the archipelago doctrine governing the measurement of the territorial sea contiguous zone: arts 46-54. Examples of some of the archipelagic states are the Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji and the Bahamas. See also Archipelagic waters; Contiguous zone; Continental shelf; Exclusive economic zone; Island.
一群島嶼,相連的水域或其他自然地形,彼此密切相關,以致這種島嶼、水域和其他自然地形在本質上構成一個地理、經濟和政治的實體,或在歷史上已被視為這種實體:《1982年聯合國海洋法公約》第46(b)條。群島國是指全部由一個或多個群島構成的國家,並可包括其他島嶼:第46(a)條。緊密相鄰的地理距離及特殊的地理位置,導致了管制領海毗連區測量的群島原則的產生:第46至54條。菲律賓、印尼、斐濟及巴哈馬均為群島國。另見 Archipelagic waters; Contiguous zone; Continental shelf; Exclusive economic zone; Island。n.




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