

单词 Official List
释义 正式上市證券
In relation to a stock exchange, the companies which, following application by them, have been admitted so that securities issued or made available by them are eligible to be admitted to official quotation on the stock exchange. The provisions of the Stock Exchanges Unification Ordinance (Cap 361) govern the admission of securities to the Official List of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Admission to the Official List depends upon the company complying with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities (‘Listing Rules’) made by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. See also Delisting.
就有關股票交易所而言,公司在向股票交易所提出申請及取得資格後,該些公司發行的證券或提供的證券便有資格在交易所作正式報價。《證券交易所合併條例》(第361章)條文就在香港交易所取得正式報價資格作出管限。是否能所取得正式報價資格視乎公司是否能否遵守香港交易所制定的《證券上市規則》(「上市規則」)。另見 Delisting。




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