

单词 Archive
释义 檔案室
A collection of documents or other material of historical significance or public interest in the custody of a body (either incorporated or unincorporated), for the purpose of conservation and preservation, provided that the body does not maintain and operate the collection for profit: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 46. See also Copyright; Direct infringement; Indirect infringement.
具歷史價值或有關公眾利益的藏書或其他收藏品,由一個團體(法團或並非法團)保管,以妥為保護及保存,但該團體不得以設置及經營檔案室謀取利潤:《版權條例》(第528章)第46條。另見 Copyright; Direct infringement; Indirect infringement。n.




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