

单词 Infant
释义 幼年人
A person under the age of 18 is in law incompetent to contract: Age of Majority (Related Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 410) s 2; Li Leung (by Li Cheung Chi his next friend) v Tam Mun Hing [1906] HKLR 156; Lo Kwong Lam and Lo Kwong Hin v Li Koon Chun and Kang Tang Po [1927] HKLR 41. The contracts which are binding on an infant are contracts for necessaries, infant’s benefit, apprenticeship, education and service: Walter v Everard [1891] 2 QB 369 (CA); Roberts v Gray [1913] 1 KB 520 (CA). The general rule at common law is that an infant’s contracts are voidable at his option (contracts which are binding on the infant unless he repudiates them during minority, or within a reasonable time of attaining his majority) or void (contracts which are not binding on him unless and until he ratifies them after attaining his majority). See also Capacity; Necessaries.
Family law - A person who has not attained the age of 18 years: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. A person under 18 years of age but does not include a person who is or has been married: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) s 2. See also Adult; Child; Minor.
18歲以下的人在法律上被視為無能力締約:《成年歲數(有關條文)條例》(第410章)第2條;Li Leung(by Li Cheung Chi his next friend) v Tam Mun Hing [1906] HKLR 156;Lo Kwong Lam and Lo Kwong Hin v Li Koon Chun and Kang Tang Po [1927] HKLR 41。對幼年人有約束力的合約包括有關必需品、幼年人的利益、學徒、教育及服務的合約:Walter v Everard [1891] 2 QB 369(英國上訴法院);Roberts v Gray [1913] 1 KB 520(英國上訴法院)。根據普通法的一般原則,幼年人的合約在其選擇下會成為可使無效的合約(此等合約對幼年人有約束力,除非幼年人在其未成年期間或在成年後的合理時間內悔約,則屬例外)或無效的合約(此等合約對幼年人並無約束力,除非及幼年人在成年後追認該合約,則屬例外)。另見 Capacity; Necessaries。
家庭法 - 指未滿18歲的人:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。指18歲以下的人,但不包括已婚或曾結婚的人:《領養條例》(第290章)第2條。另見 Adult; Child; Minor。n.




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