

单词 Indorsement in blank
释义 空白背書
An indorsement of a bill of exchange that is made by the indorser merely signing on the bill without specifying an indorsee: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 34(1). An indorsement in blank is usually made on the back of the bill. A bill which has been indorsed in blank is payable to bearer and transferable by delivery: ss 8(3), 31(2). Any holder may convert the blank indorsement into a special indorsement by writing, above the indorser’s signature, a direction to pay the bill to, or to the order of, a specified person: s 34 (4) See also Bearer bill; Indorsement; Indorser; Order bill; Special indorsement.
由背書人在匯票上簽署、但不指明承背書人的匯票背書:《匯票條例》(第19章)第34(1)條。空白背書通常在匯票的背面作出。有空白背書的匯票可用以付款予持票人,並可以交付方式予以轉讓:第8(3)及31(2)條。任何持有人均可將該空白背書轉為記名背書,方法是在背書人的簽名上方加一項指示,表示該匯票須付款予獲指明的人,或須付款予由該人所指定的人:第34(4)條。另見 Bearer bill; Indorsement; Indorser; Order bill; Special indorsement。




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