

单词 Inferior court
释义 下級法院
A court with limited jurisdiction: R v The District Judge of Hong Kong, ex p A-G (1955) 39 HKLR 8. Inferior courts in Hong Kong are subject to the supervisory jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 21K(1); Re an Application by Liu Lee Yuk Ching [1982] HKLR 399 (HC). An inferior court, such as a magistrates’ court, which exceeds its jurisdiction is not protected, unless the exercise of jurisdiction was caused by an error of fact in circumstances where the court had no knowledge of or means of knowing the relevant facts: Sammy-Joe v GPO Mount Pleasant Office [1966] 3 All ER 924, [1967] 1 WLR 370. The Court of First Instance watches over the proceedings of inferior courts not only to prevent them from exceeding their jurisdiction or otherwise acting contrary to the law but also to prevent persons from interfering with the course of justice in such courts: R v Parke [1903] 2 KB 432. See also Superior court.
具有有限司法管轄權的法院:R v The District Judge of Hong Kong, ex p A-G(1955) 39 HKLR 8。香港的下級法院受原訟法庭的司法管轄權監管:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第21K(1)條;Re an Application by Liu Lee Yuk Ching [1982] HKLR 399(高等法院)。超越其司法管轄權的下級法院(例如裁判處)不會受到保護,但如該法院對有關事實並不知情或沒有知悉的途徑,以致基於事實上的錯誤而行使司法管轄權,則屬例外:Sammy-Joe v GPO Mount Pleasant Office [1966] 3 All ER 924, [1967] 1 WLR 370。原訟法庭監察在下級法院進行的法律程序,以防止下級法院超越其司法管轄權或在其他情況下違反法律行事,同時亦避免有人在下級法院妨礙司法公正:R v Parke [1903] 2 KB 432。另見 Superior court。




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