

单词 Restriction as to user
释义 使用人限制
A restriction on the way land may be used. Such restrictions are similar in effect to restrictive covenants, and in most instances the terms ‘restriction as to user’ and ‘restrictive covenant’ may be used interchangeably. In Hong Kong, it is common for the Government lease to contain condition which will restrict use of the property to residential, industrial or agricultural purpose: for example Donald W Shieldsv Mary Chang (No 2) [1972] HKLR 121; Mexx Consolidated (Far East) Ltd v A-G [1987] HKLR 1210. Apart from the nature of use, conditions in a development lease may also provide for the type of building to be constructed: for example Loi Po Investment Co Ltd v Real Reach Co Ltd [1986] HKLR 643 (only one residence to be erected); TS Cheng & Sons Ltd v A-G [1986] HKC 607 (villa residence only). See also Restrictive covenant.
限制使用土地的方法。此限制與限制性契諾的效果相似,此外,在很多情況下,「使用人限制」和 「限制性契諾」這兩個詞語可交換使用。在香港,政府租約普遍包含限制財物之住宅,工業或農業使用目的的條件:例如 Donald W Shields (No 2) v Mary Chan [1972] HKLR 121; Mexx Consolidated (Far East) Ltd v A-G [1987] HKLR 1210。除使用的性質外,發展性質的租約的條件也可規定所建造的建築物的類別:例如 Loi Po Investment Co Ltd v Real Reach Co Ltd [1986] HKLR 643 (只建造一居所);TS Cheng & Sons Ltd v A-G [1986] HKC 607(只限別墅式居所)。另見 Restrictive covenant。




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