

单词 Aforethought
释义 預謀
The word is often phrased as malice aforethought in the old authorities: R v Serne (1887) 16 Cox CC 311. The state of mind (mens rea) in the offence of murder where the prosecution must prove the accused either intended to kill or cause really serious bodily harm at the time of causing the death of the victim: R v Cunningham [1981] 2 All ER 863, 73 Cr App Rep 253, [1982] AC 566 (HL). Where a person kills another in the course or furtherance of some other offence, the killing will not amount to murder, unless done with the same malice aforethought (express or implied) that would amount to murder when not done in the course or furtherance of another offence: Homicide Ordinance (Cap 339) s 2(1). See also Intention.
在舊的典據中,該詞經常以短語預懷惡意的形式出現:R v Serne (1887) 16 Cox CC 311。控方必須證明被控人在犯謀殺罪行時的心態(犯罪意圖),即其在致使受害人死亡時,是意圖殺死受害人,還是致其受到實際嚴重身體傷害:R v Cunningham [1981] 2 All ER 863, 73 Cr App Rep 253, [1982] AC 566(上議院)。凡殺人行為並非在犯其他罪行的過程中,或為了進行其他罪行而作出,而該殺人行為必須具備某種(不論是明示或默示的)的預懷惡意方足以構成謀殺罪,則任何人如在犯其他罪行的過程中,或為了進行其他罪行而殺死他人,其殺人行為除非具備與前述預懷惡意相同的預懷惡意,否則不構成謀殺罪:《殺人罪行條例》(第339章)第2(1)條。另見 Intention。adj.




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